Tuesday, July 25, 2006


So this is the start. Right here, right now you are reading the first entry to a blog about my little adventure around the world. It's starts officially on the 11th of August and ends when the cash does which could be really quickly or could take some time if I get savvy enough with landing a great job in Ireland.

The plan is this. I get to the airport with one paid in full around the world ticket to Tahiti - then to Los Angeles then study at San Fran (not sure of the pc slang for San Francisco yet, although I know Frisco is out - I digress), then snowboard with my bestest bud in Vail, then cram NY into a few days... ouch... Then fly out to London - London to Ireland with any luck to get some work and a few pints of Guinness - Around Europe on a wee little and slightly brittle shoestring - London to Bangkok for just 3 weeks, enough to buy loads of jewelry and get tons of cheap massages and then alas come back home to pay it all off.

This plan may vary slightly according to the finances of the season and what type of job I can land... one with a tax number anyway!

So! Visa is sorted. Flights are almost done. Insurance is required. Bags are not yet packed. A special thanks to Dad for a laptop!

Points of interest -

And to blatantly steal a quote from my friend Bek T! "To the victims of my affections..."

You are a champion and I love you so dearly. Thank you for letting me live at your house. See you in the snow my friend.
What more can I say than I love you my friend. You are an unbelievable person and I hope that you have so much fun while I am away... Learn to believe in reasonably earlier nights, turning off the computer sometimes... and cleaning the ashtray. P.s. Remember to go easy on the vege burgers and spinach triangles because there are other food groups.
See you at the airport!
Thanks for not freaking out too much about me leaving the country! I love you and yes I WILL MISS YOU! There is not much more I can say here.
You may have gotten a car... but I have the license - So I think we make a pretty good team. I love you so much!
What can I say... you are doing so well without any advice from me. I think you are amazing and I adore you.
The Guild:
Thank you to all the people at the guild for such a wonderful experience! There are too many of you to name here but you are all cool. See you when I get home - god knows when that will be.
My QPAC friends:
I know my stint was short but alas I will return! You guys rock.
You were a huge inspiration for believing that this whole trip could work! You laugh, but your stories of the world are always in the back of my mind. Thank you.
Marc: You... well... yes... what can I say that I haven't said before? Try and stay out of trouble and thank you for everything.
Henry: I might have stolen one chocolate biscuit... I will replace it when I get back. Peace Out.
My Aunty and My Mama and Papa:
Thank you for all your support!
Rest once in a while! xox
I haven't forgotten about the Camille CD's and I am so onto it! You will still have friends while I am away... it's not that long and we will all come home soon. Promise.
See you in London my friend! I can not wait for all the fun. xo

That's about it for now. Things are a little manic from here on in and I still have an exam to sit today at 1pm! So it's adios amigos for now.