Sunday, August 13, 2006

my island tour

Ah Oui my little island tour! My hosts took me for a tour of Tahiti which went the entire way around the island, given that the island is only 120 kilometres around, it was still a fair distance considering. First we stopped at this little bay which looks like a beach but really is only big rocks to get yourself injured on. Nonetheless people are still swimming and taking the risk - I however would like to make it to America so I thought it best to stay dry! Then we made a little trek into a rainforest to see a waterfall which was so beautiful. To get there you go down this gravel road with speedbumps that are worn away and pot holes like you can't belive... it's a lot of dodging the worst ones and trying to keep the underneath of the car in tact. Along the road are all these tiny houses which the entire family sleeps in. I am constantly amazed that families of six or more sleep in houses that are not much bigger than what is our normal size of a family room, kitchen and bathroom combined. And to the average Australian it would look very poor but then there is a mercedes parked out the front - crazy huh? I'll post some photos soon onto my online photo album if it ever works!

We took about 5 hours to get around the island... yes, even with only 120 kilometres and few stops! I saw the infamous beach spot of teahupoo where all the bigwig surf guys and girls go for the huge billabong comps. When I saw it, it wasn't much because there was no wind for the waves and there were families about just doing what Tahitian families do on the weekend (not much at all) and lots of chickens and dogs! This place is so interesting. I searched and searched for this breadfruit which is apparently amazing - but no one will sell it in the markets because all most all families have a tree and I don't think the fruit on the trees is quite ripe at the moment... I'll have another look at the market tomorrow. Other than that it has been such a relaxing day doing not much at all and just enjoying the sun, scenery and food.

until later! au revoir


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